Zeddytron by Naranjito Games is an action shooting game made for Sinclair ZX 81. Watch this video on YouTube. Your mission in the game is to move through 50 waves, blasting Zeddytrons, avoiding undestructible Zeddyhulks and rescuing human survivors. The waves are massive and it’s going to be tough to handle them, but a little …
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Tag:Naranjito Games
Cursed Catacombs v2022.06.05 (Sinclair ZX 81 Game)
Cursed Catacombs by Naranjito Games is a Sinclair ZX 81 game. For hundreds of years, the best explorers and adventurers tried to recover the treasures hidden in the Cursed Catacombs. Built deep underground and protected by supernatural and merciless creatures, the catacombs are deadly ground, and all who dared entering them never returned alive. Our …
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