Pastoral (Act 3) by Jason Allen is a folk horror life-simulation game created using GB Studio. This game is the final game of the Pastoral trilogy. The ROM download is not free, but the game can be played for free in the browser. The game directly follows the events of Pastoral (Act 1) and Pastoral …
Continue reading Pastoral (Act 3) v2022.11.22 (Nintendo Game Boy (Color) Game)
Tag:Jason Allen
Pastoral (Act 2) v2022.07.02 (Nintendo Game Boy (Color) Game)
Pastoral (Act 2) by Jason Allen is a folk horror life-simulation game, created using GB Studio. The game can be played in the browser for free, the ROM download will cost you a little amount of money. Pastoral (Act 2) is the second game of the Pastoral trilogy. The game directly follows the events of …
Continue reading Pastoral (Act 2) v2022.07.02 (Nintendo Game Boy (Color) Game)
Pastoral (Act 1) v2022.04.19 (Nintendo Game Boy (Color) Game)
Pastoral (Act 1) by Jason Allen is a folk horror life-simulation game, created using GB Studio. The game is available as paid version as download, or can be played within an browser for free. The main goal of the game is to explore and solve the mystery of your missing friends. Exploring is at the …
Continue reading Pastoral (Act 1) v2022.04.19 (Nintendo Game Boy (Color) Game)